Certain "sensitive" or contractual changes to your account require a review by our compliance / KYC (Know Your Customer) teams.
To make these changes, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to the following contact form.
- Enter your professional email address.
- Enter the name of your company as it appears on your invoice.
- Then specify the type of modification desired.
- If there is a change in IBAN or Bank Descriptor, you can specify the concerned receiving account(s) (UDV).
- Complete the title and description of the request.
- You may indicate a possible implementation date or any other instruction (such as blocking funds while awaiting the change).
To ensure your request is processed, it is essential to attach:
- The downloadable Maintenance Request Form below, duly filled out and signed by the legal representative*.
- In case of IBAN change: the IBAN signed by the legal representative of the company.
What if I am not the legal representative?
You can ask them for a mandate.
Your request will be verified and processed as soon as possible.